Marketing technology

Revolutionize your marketing strategy with customer-centric marketing technology that puts your audience at the heart of every interaction.
Young man working in a clothing store.


We have designed and deployed marketing technology stacks for some of the leading companies in the world. From custom-made solutions to off-the-shelf customizations and integrations, we recommend and build the best technology according to your size and needs. We've used most of the popular Customer Data Platforms, CRM solutions and data solutions. We are well-versed to help your organization design the perfect marketing technology solutions.

Putting Martech to work

Great CX starts with a rock solid approach to data and identity.

Turn fragmented customer data into extraordinary experiences. Create highly detailed customer segments with unified data from across your organization and then orchestrate journeys that greatly improve the customer experience.

Teenage girls shopping in a clothing store.
Girl shopping in a clothing store.
Martech defined

What are marketing technologies?

Marketing technologies are tools and platforms used by marketers to create, manage, track and analyze marketing campaigns and customer interactions across various channels, including email, social media, search engines, and websites. Marketing technology includes various software applications, such as marketing automation platforms, Customer Data Platforms (CDP), customer relationship management (CRM) systems, content management systems (CMS), data management platforms (DMP), and analytics tools.

Marketing technology services


A Customer360 view in marketing technology is a comprehensive understanding of a customer's behavior, preferences, and interactions across all touch-points and channels.

Identity Resolution

Identity Resolution is crucial in marketing technology as it helps to accurately identify customers across channels, enabling personalized experiences and effective targeting, resulting in better ROI.

Audience Segmentation

Audience segmentation is interesting in marketing technology as it enables marketers to group customers based on similar characteristics, behaviors, or preferences, allowing for more personalized and effective marketing campaigns.

Journey Orchestration

Journey orchestration in marketing technology refers to the process of mapping, automating, and optimizing customer interactions across multiple touch-points and channels to create personalized and seamless experiences.

Personalized Experiences

Customer personalization in marketing technology involves tailoring marketing messages, offers, and experiences to meet the unique needs and preferences of individual customers, ultimately increasing engagement and loyalty.

Acquisition Marketing

Acquisition Marketing in marketing technology is the practice of using various channels and tactics to attract and convert new customers, with the ultimate goal of growing revenue and market share.

Putting Martech to work

Effective experiences at every touchpoint.

The future of marketing is omni-channel. Today’s customer journey needs to meet the demands of multiple channels, so you can’t afford to treat them as separate marketing activities. The objective? To build a “seamless” user experience across all channels – whether social media, your website, or even in-store. The time for compartmentalizing is over. Axacraft can help.

Young woman walking past various housewares in a small store.

The elusive Customer360

A Customer360 is a concept that refers to a complete view of a customer's interactions and experiences with a brand or business. It involves collecting and analyzing data from various touchpoints, such as website visits, social media interactions, email exchanges, and customer service calls, to create a comprehensive profile of the customer. This profile can include demographic information, behavior patterns, preferences, and interests. By having a 360-degree view of the customer, businesses can better understand their needs, personalize their marketing efforts, and improve their overall customer experience.

Did you know that customer-centric companies are 60% more profitable than those that are not according to Deloitte and Touche?

So where do you begin?

A good place to start is to assess your current technology stack and evaluate whether it is capable of providing a complete view of your customer. This involves identifying any gaps in your current data collection and analysis processes, as well as any redundancies or inefficiencies in your current technology solutions. From there, you can develop a roadmap for implementing a Customer360 solution that is tailored to your specific business needs and goals. It's important to keep in mind that a Customer360 is not a one-time project, but an ongoing process that requires continuous data collection, analysis, and optimization.

It is here that Axacraft can help.

In a vintage boutique, a man tries on a suit.

Is a Customer360 effort worth the investment? The statistics support the benefits of customer-centric marketing.

Leading statistics show the clear advantages of having a complete and integrated view of customer data, which can lead to increased profitability, customer satisfaction, retention rates, and sales.

  • Companies with a Customer360 view are 4 times more likely to have a complete view of customer data (Forrester Research).
  • Organizations that deploy a Customer360 strategy report an average 28% increase in customer retention (CRM Magazine).
  • Companies with a complete Customer360 view can increase customer satisfaction rates by up to 30% (Microsoft).
  • Brands that personalize their marketing with a Customer360 strategy see an average of 19% increase in sales (Aberdeen Group).
The value of 1:1 marketing

Personalization is a key aspect of martech.

Personalization involves tailoring marketing efforts and messages to individual customers or segments of customers based on their specific needs, preferences, behaviors, and characteristics. This can help improve customer engagement, increase conversion rates, and ultimately drive revenue growth. Personalization is often facilitated by marketing technologies such as customer data platforms, marketing automation software, and artificial intelligence/machine learning tools that can analyze large amounts of data to identify patterns and make personalized recommendations or offers.

Man working in a clothing store.
How to achieve personalization.

We've delivered segmentation and personalization capability for some of the biggest brands.

In today’s heavily saturated market, personalization can help deliver the experiences that customers are expecting. Personalizing your customer journeys effectively requires excellent knowledge of your business goals and a clear understanding of your target personas.  It also helps to understand the technology.

We can help your enterprise excel in marketing technology:

  • Collect customer data and insights to understand their preferences and behavior.
  • Use segmentation to group customers with similar characteristics or behavior.
  • Create personalized content and messaging that resonates with each segment.
  • Leverage automation and AI to deliver personalized experiences at scale.
  • Continuously test and optimize your personalized customer journeys based on data and feedback.
Speaking to customer on a personal level.

A 5% increase in customer retention can increase revenue by 25-95%.

While 70% of organizations see a direct connection between customer experience and business performance, they’re not keeping pace. In fact, while 61% of organizations believe their customers are very satisfied with experiences and interactions to get information, make a purchase or resolve an issue, only 23% of consumers feel the same way.

“This is an experienced team when it comes to deploying Customer Data Platforms.”
Prakash Ranjan
VP Marketing Technology, Alo Yoga
Customer Data Platforms

The heart of the modern marketing stack is an understanding of the customer identity.

Putting the customer at the center requires a strategy. We've deployed several CDP installations and have integrated them with a wide range of other systems. A Customer Data Platform (CDP) is valuable in marketing technology as it collects and unifies customer data from various sources, creating a single source of truth. This enables marketers to create a complete customer profile, and personalize customer experiences across multiple channels and touch-points, ultimately leading to increased customer loyalty and ROI. CDPs can also help marketers to optimize their marketing campaigns, improve customer acquisition and retention, and comply with data privacy regulations.